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Somatic Healing: Transforming Trauma and Living into Aliveness | 3 CE Credits

Mar. 1, 2025

10:00 AM - 1:15 PM (EST)

Virtual Event
3 CE Credits
Explore the transformative power of somatic healing through nature. Somatic experiencing practices offer a safe and effective path to healing trauma. Together, we will uncover how nature serves as a healing environment that nurtures trauma transformation.
This webinar will explore somatic healing with nature. Somatic experiencing practices are a skillful and safe way to heal trauma. We will learn how nature offers a healing container to support the transformation and healing of trauma. Building on the practices of mindfulness with nature, we will learn how to become present to the stored traumas stuck within the body, connect to the inherent potential to heal, and learn to release the unhealthy patterns of trauma to experience the fullness of our aliveness. You will be invited to consider ways in which your continued healing can inform ways to integrate these teachings and practices into the therapeutic container. Suggested practices for application into the therapeutic experience will be offered.
  • Psychologists
  • Social Workers
  • Therapists
  • Counselors.
Rochelle Calvert, PhD, CMT, SEP, BCBA

Rochelle, a licensed clinical psychologist, certified mindfulness teacher, and somatic experiencing practitioner, has a devoted love to share the power and healing potential of mindfulness, somatic awareness, and nature. She has studied and taught mindfulness for the past 20 years and knows personally the transformational potential. To share the love of these healing practices, she has published a book, Healing with Nature: Mindfulness and Somatic Practices to Heal from Trauma. Dr. Calvert leads courses and retreats in mindfulness, somatic experiencing and Awake in the Wild, nature-based mindfulness. She also facilitates professional trainings in mindfulness for clinicians and travels the country teaching retreats and seminars. She is the director of the Ecotherapy Program at SouthWestern College and New Earth Institute in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is a certified mindfulness teacher with the Mindfulness Teaching Institute, the International Mindfulness Teachers Association and Awake In The Wild organization.

After this training, participants will be able to:

  • Explain how nature is a container, resource, and stabilizing entity that supports the healing of process trauma.
  • Describe the foundational teachings of somatic experiencing to heal trauma.
  • Implement various techniques/practices and meditations in somatic healing with nature- resourcing, orienting, grounding, pendulation, and balancing/healing the nervous system towards aliveness and health.

10:00 -10:05 am –  Welcome and Introduction

10:05 –11:30 am – Defining Trauma and Somatic Experiencing/Understanding the nervous system and importance of Healing Trauma with Nature

11:30-11:45 am – Break

11:45-12:45 pm – Somatic practices with nature to support healing trauma/Integration of healing, health, and aliveness

12:45-1:05 pm – Inquiry and discussion on the application of these teachings and practices into our profession

1:05-1:15 pm Q and A

Registration $65 | Mar. 1 | Virtual Event | 3 CE Credits

Registration Deadline:  Mar. 1, 2025

Cancellation Policy

You may request to cancel your registration for a future credit up to 72 hours before the event’s date and time.  Cancellation requests made within 24 hours of the event date/time will not receive a transfer. When you register for an event, you agree to these terms.

A total of 3 CE credits are available.

Additional Approvals Pending.


Clinical Events, LLC, (provider # 2201) is approved as an ACE provider to offer social work continuing education by the Association of Social Work Boards (ASWB) Approved Continuing Education (ACE) program. Regulatory boards are the final authority on courses accepted for continuing education credit. ACE provider approval period: 11/01/2024 – 11/01/2025.


Clinical Events, LLC has been approved by NBCC as an Approved   Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7643 Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Clinical Events, LLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

NY State Board of Social Workers

Clinical Events, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Social Work as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed social workers #SW-0828.

NY State Board of Mental Health Counselors

Clinical Events, LLC is recognized by the New York State Education Department’s State Board for Mental Health Practitioners as an approved provider of continuing education for licensed mental health counselors. #MHC-0329.